Larry travels to work utilizing the Phoenix bus service. It doesn't save him any time but does save on stress in not having to deal with rush hour traffic into downtown Phoenix. His commute takes a little over an hour.
Below is my attempt at "artistic" photography -- the water in our pool.
We continue to spend time on our back porch in the a.m. and p.m.
Had to grab an opportunity of a measurement photo of Jimmy. He looks thrilled huh....
Plant in our front yard bloomed after we gave it some water -- the bees loved it -- the bees scared me...
Larry bought himself a new television to fit this spot in our new home and had it set up just in time for the Nebraska vs. Wisconsin football game. He was thrilled. He became quieter and quieter as the night went on....
We went to Mike and Sue's weekend before last and enjoyed an afternoon with friends. Carly and Frank were there with Harper -- what a sweetie. She likes to drink from a spray bottle and doesn't mind getting wet in the process which is helped by the fact that it was still hot -- not warm, hot.
Harper's mom and dad: Carly and Frank
The weekend before, we had all met in downtown Phoenix for an "Urban Wine Walk." I tasted the water at all the locations that the others tasted wine or beer. The gathering was to celebrate Brian (below left) turning 60 and Mike turning 61 but birthdays at those numbers deserve multiple celebrations so we had cake and sang Happy Birthday again.
I was suppose to start chemo session #3 on Monday, September 26, but had to reschedule for the following week due to low white blood count so my third chemo session was this following Monday, October 3. I quickly learned that my chemo nurse is originally from Nebraska -- Kearney. We hit it off. She is dynamic, high-energy, positive and a delight to spend the day with. I had her for my third day in the treatment cycle as well -- made my day. Her name is Suzanne. All of the nurses are good and I need to start getting their pictures for each visit. Doesn't she have great hair -- lately, I tend to notice people's hair more....
Mayo has two main facilities here in Phoenix. The Mayo hospital is where I had my surgery but where some doctor appointments and testing is done. My chemo is done at a different Mayo Clinic about 20 minutes from the hospital location. I've taken to driving to the hospital location (about 25 minutes from our home) and then take the shuttle to the clinic location for my chemo. I love not having to deal with traffic. Below is a picture of this other home-away-from-home that I visit every 2 1/2 weeks (except when blood tests dictate othewise.) That is my shuttle in the picture.
Below is a picture of one of the cubicles where chemo is given. You can have privacy if you want by closing the curtain, you have your own television and a comfortable recliner and they bring you heated blankets -- such good service.
Two scans were performed last week -- a PET scan and an MRI. The PET scan shows uptake, in that there is active cancer but Dr. Paripati, my oncologist is confused by this because the blood tests reflect a continued reduction in the hormonal markers associated with nueroendocrine carcinoid tumors so she ordered an MRI to compare with a previous one (before we started chemo) to see if the spots on the liver have gotten smaller. They have not -- she said, "disease is stable." She is now going to send tissue from the tumor removed in surgery for DNA testing to help her better identify a treatment plan for my particular case. There are two types of neuroendocrine cardcinoid tumors: typical and atypical. She said my cancer is acting like "typical" neuroendocrine carcinoid cancer (less aggressive -- not rapidly dividing cells so doesn't respond as well to chemo -- chemo works on actively dividing cells) in that it doesn't appear to be reacting to chemo as she would expect. The biopsy after surgery indicated that what I have is "atypical" neuroendocrine carcinoid which means those cells do multiply more than the "typical" neuroendocrine carcinoid and "should" respond to the chemo treatment plan I'm following. I know, sort of confusing. She explained that insurance doesn't usually pay for this testing on the front end of chemotherapy but now feels that since we've followed the recommended treatment plan, it is time to pursue this route. Wish she would have thrown this option out at the very beginning -- wondering if we would have just said we'd pay for it if insurance didn't?
Marvin (stepfather) and his wife Jennie arrived for a visit on their winter visitor destination of Texas. Nothing like going out of the way!!
Okay, onward and upward. Treatment session #4 should take place Monday, October 24.