Shortly after the Vancouver trip, Larry was off for a week to South America visiting Peru and Chile. He had a couple of weeks at home before we left for a long weekend trip to visit Wayne and Sophi in Portland.
Several years ago when Wayne lived with us in Yuma, he helped us with several yard projects - it was time for us to repay the favor! Wayne is working on a huge back porch remodel project and Larry volunteered to assist with a portion of the roofing part - I volunteered to rake leaves.
It wasn't all work and no play, Wayne and Sophi took us up to Mt. Hood allowing us a fall colors drive and an up close view of Mt. Hood.
We were home four days from our Portland trip when we then headed to Page, AZ, to a hot air balloon glow with friends Connie and Dave from Las Vegas. Larry and I stayed in Page enjoying a week on the houseboat in the slip and while discovering drives, hikes and viewpoints that we've never taken the time to investigate in all the years we've been traveling to Lake Powell. An added plus - hardly anyone there. It was quite peaceful and relaxing.
(l-r: Connie, Dave, Laura (Dave's sister), Larry (oops, eyes closed!), Karen's friend and Karen (Dave's sister).
Beautiful sunrise from the back of our houseboat....
A drive through a bit of Escalante Grand Staircase National Park....
A scenic hike on a portion of the Page Rim Trail...
We found a viewpoint for the dam....
We visited a view point for sunset....
It was a very pleasant week and a totally different experience for us at Lake Powell - loved it.
We enjoyed a nice hike with friends Mike & Sue and Michelle the weekend after Larry's birthday. The guys found a tarantula roaming about...
Isn't this the neatest hugest Saguaro?!!
And last but not least, former expat neighbors when we lived in Calama came to Carefree for a visit. It was great to spend time with Odessa and Kathy! Thanks for making the trip!
On the health front, I am currently on what I think is my 5th round of the drug Temodar. If I didn't mention before, I am on a 28 day cycle - I take the pill for five days every 28 days. It is working! I have my next three month scan next month. I feel good - totally enjoying traveling with Larry, having company, hiking -- all-in-all, just enjoying life! I think I use the work enjoy a lot - I've decided that is okay!