Does Larry look happy or what!
Over a long weekend, we traveled to Wichita to visit Larry's sister Linda, her husband Jeff, and Larry's mom Dorothy who had been there recovering from knee replacement surgery (and doing very well I may add). In my focus to pack light for the long weekend trip, I found I had forgotten to bring my camera along so no good quality pictures to record the trip but must include this one we took with Larry's cell phone camera.
Upon our return to Arizona, Larry left for a business trip to Lima, Peru. He was a keynote speaker at a conference so he celebrated turning another year older there - I missed him. Friends and family came over when he returned and we celebrated his birthday then.
We gathered with friends in the far east valley for a pre-Thanksgiving potluck the weekend before Thanksgiving. I do believe other parts of the country were experiencing winter weather while we enjoyed temperatures in the 70s! I love winter in Arizona!!
Sue's mom, Dagny, from Iowa and Larry have their birthdays on the same day (November 13) so I had to get a picture of the both of them. Dagny turned 90 - she looks great! Larry is a little younger.
We celebrated Thanksgiving at friends Mike and Sue's and were grateful we could join their family on that special day!
We've spent every Friday we've been in town this fall going to nephew Jimmy's high school football games and very much enjoyed those experiences culminating in playoffs and then the championship game the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Friends and family gathered to cheer the Sabercats (and Jimmy!) on. They won! We're already looking forward to next season when Jimmy will be a senior. My has time flown - wasn't he just a little guy?
Interesting news on the health front. The drug that is controlling the cancer, Temodar, can possibly cause leukemia down the line. Therefore, since the cancer is in "control", my doctor suggested I take a rest from the drug for awhile - she referred to is as, "active monitoring of non-treatment". So! after three years and two months, November was my first month in taking no medicine to treat the cancer! I'll still see my doctor again in December for bloodwork and the scheduled three month scan. The bloodwork and scan will determine whether I can take December off as well. I'm not sure what to think...there is a certain comfort in taking a medicine that works and that old saying, if it isn't broke, don't fix it comes to mind. I decided to go with the trust the expert factor.
Oh, went to the Eagles concert with sister-in-law Liz because Larry was in Peru! We had a great time - great concert. Larry and I see Fleetwood Mac in December!