Our trip started with a stop in Denver to visit sister, Jackie and step-father Marvin and his wife Jennie.
We then headed to Harrison and woke to snow the following morning!
Dorothy has been playing for the school music programs and church for many, many years and the church and the school had special going away gatherings for her. L-R: Linda, Wayne, Dorothy, and Larry.
Linda and Dorothy played for Dorothy's last day at the Harrison Methodist church.
And then moving day arrived. Two of Dorothy's granddaughters husbands took time from work and came to Harrison to help Larry and Wayne with the loading of the U-Haul - thanks Monte and Doug!
We drove to Kearney that day arriving in time for great-nephew, Kane's high school football game.
The following morning, we left bright and early for the destination of Ashland. Larry had help on that end from niece, Tabitha and her significant other, Corey who came from Grand Island, Jeff and niece, Karyl and husband Travis from near Omaha. Following emptying of the U-Haul, Larry and I started the process of returning to Arizona!