Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lake Powell 2012

We use our week on Lake Powell every other year -- therefore, even numbered years mean a week of relaxation on that incredible body of water spent with family and friends.

This year's crew included our Phoenix area sister-in-law Liz and nephew Jimmy (oops, Jim), and friends Mike & Sue (although Sue was only able to be with us for 1 1/2 days), Larry's brother Wayne and our niece Sophi traveled from the Portland, OR, area, niece Crystal and husband Doug and great niece and nephew Kennedy and Kane traveled from Kearney, NE, and niece Karyl and husband Travis and great nephew and nieces Brady, Dawson and Kealy traveled from Omaha, NE.

Larry and I and Mike and Sue began this year's houseboat week with a rafting trip which began at the base of Glen Canyon Dam and took us to Lee's Ferry - about a three hour leisurely float on the Colorado.  I used a waterproof disposable camera for these shots - sorry for the photo quality but gives you an idea of the experience.

Heading down to the rafts.

The water was very cold.  Glad the camera captured how clear the water is.

We were bused back to Page following the float where we met up with our Oregon and Nebraska crew.  Had to capture a picture of the fellows who pilot us out of the slip: Captain Mike & Captain Mike ha!  They were wishing Liz a Happy Birthday! 

And then, the houseboat week officially began.

 We found a perfect spot at the mouth of Gunsight.  It was perfect: sand beach, no nieghbors and deep water off the back of the boat.  We stayed here all week and loved it!

 Some people wonder how you can spend a week on a 52 ft. floating home with 17 people.  Each couple is assigned one day to cook (meaning excellent meals daily) but once your day is done, you're free to do whatever you want.  There are two jet skis, a kayak, a speed boat, a slide off the back of the boat, float toys, comfortable chairs to nap in, reading to catch up on and games.

The fellows gathered nearly daily for horseshoes or hitting golf balls.

 Mike and Jimmy taught the others how to use a compass utilizing a treasure hunt of sorts.  Sue had provided prizes for successfully following the map - glow in the dark necklaces, etc.

The girls worked on their water balloon launching skills.

 One morning, several of the crew got up extra early and headed off for Rainbow Bridge - along with a stop at Dangling Rope Marina for ice cream.

Jet skis were enjoyed particularly by the teens in our group who learned how to drive them.

But the big kids liked them too....

And after a day of all play, the majority of us chose to sleep up on top.

We were able to get a "girls" picture before Sue had to leave.

 Can't leave out the goofy guys picture.

The Nebraska crew introduced us to a new houseboat drink.

And then, after Sue left us, we were forced to drink champagne without her...this was our Sue toast picture we sent her at work ha!

 The view from our spot...

 It was pretty warm some days but the water was refreshing....

It was great to have Wayne on the boat again - it had been too long.

 l-r: Doug, Crystal, Wayne, me, Larry, Karyl and Travis

This one made me chuckle, the kids didn't always have a lot of energy first thing in the morning...
l-r: Kealy, Dawson, Kane and Sophi

We were happy to have sister-in-law Liz back on the boat after a four year break and always glad that Jimmy is able to come.

 Mike proved  his worth on the boat once again by diving for Liz's sunglasses that fell off the back of the boat!

 2012 Houseboat Crew!  Thanks for the Castaway Island t-shirts Liz!  Thanks for the Castaway Island kerchief's Crystal and Doug!

And another week on Lake Powell comes to an end.   Next Lake Powell gathering: 2014!

Larry, Mike and I stayed an extra day and this was the sunrise we were treated with the morning we left.  I love that we get to go to Lake Powell!

Regarding a health update - I don't have one.  All is going well!  Life is good!

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