Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spring in Carefree


We've enjoyed the Phoenix concert scene since our return from France.  We were able to see Eric Clapton, Dave Mason and Heart.  Gad, life in the city is fun!

My former boss at Arizona Western College, from back in our Yuma days, stopped by for a visit in April.  I worked with Karen for 11 years.  Always a pleasure to see friends from the former places we've lived.


Friends from our days in Bolivia (Bill, Leesyl and Laurese) stopped by for a visit too. 

Nephew Jimmy turned 15.  We've been measuring Jimmy's growth through the years in comparison to me - he caught up with me!

Spring arrived in Arizona as well.  I really enjoy all the blooming, that takes place in stages, in the Phoenix metro area.


And then there is our resident Cardinal.

Larry has started a landscaping project in our front yard.  We've lived in this house now since August of 2011 - time flies.  Wish the collages would have turned out bigger.


Can't do a post without a sunrise or a sunset picture!  This one is a sunrise.

Larry got a Critter Cam for his birthday last November.  We hadn't checked it since January.  Turns out our yard outside the fence is quite busy!  Javelina...

Okay, the rabbit one might be a tad lame....

Love the Roadrunner - beep beep!

And last was our very favorite picture - Bobcats!

Larry had a business trip to Chile in May.  I continued to enjoy my volunteer job at Mayo as well as meeting with a group of Cave Creek/Carefree citizens at the local library for 1 1/2 hours of Spanish once a week but have been forced to give both of those activities up - for now.

Regarding the health front, darn it anyway but the scan I had on the 30th of April showed that the drug that had been controlling the cancer (neuroendocrine carcinoid cancer) is no longer doing its job.  So, my doctor started me on a new drug called Sutent.  Yikes, this stuff kicks my bum!  Makes me so appreciate how few side effects I experienced with the Afinitor.  The dosage has been lowered once without a big improvement on the side effect front - do believe I've have to ask for another reduction -- yikes!

Next planned trip - Grand Canyon for a long weekend in early June. 

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