Thursday, January 29, 2015

December 2014 & January 2015 Activities

We've now lived in the Phoenix area for, WOW!, almost four years!  I love it!  One of the things I particularly like about life in Phoenix is the opportunity to gather with our friends - especially the annual event of the Christmas baking exchange. 

We spent Christmas Eve and birthday #59 for me and Jim at Jim and Liz's home - I love our tradition of prime rib for our birthday dinner.

Friends Mike and Sue and Allison and Brian came to our home for dinner on New Year's Eve and we were treated to snow!  Made for some pretty pictures the following morning.  Happy New Year!!!!

Friends Virginia and Dennis from Chadron traveled to their "winter" home in Lake Havasu in
January so we headed their way to welcome them to Arizona and enjoy the balloon festival.

Friend Dan from Rapid City arrived in January for several days of golf.  For the most part, weather cooperated.  I guess we can be assured, it was better than in Rapid.

We did go to the Fleetwood Mac concert in early December - it was great! 

February will bring Larry's mom, Dorothy, for a five week visit.  His sister, Linda, from Wichita and brother Wayne and daughter Sophi from Portland will pop in for a long weekend visit as well. 

On the health front, looks like February will bring radiation therapy for me.  I continue to not be on the oral chemo drug.  However, there are a couple "spots" that have proved to be resistant to the oral chemo drug so we've decided to go the radiation route to see if we can eliminate those problem areas.  I'll most likely start the first part of February and last I understood, I'll receive 15 sessions covering three weeks.  I continue to feel great and feel like I'm doing great - I'm out hiking at least twice a week - what a blessing!

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