Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Utah, Colorado, Nebraska and South Dakota Trip

Gotta love a road trip.  We left Carefree in early July with a destination our first night in Moab, Utah.  We arrived in time to drive through Arches National Park as the sun was going down.  Moab is turning into one of our favorite places to visit and that is even when it is so hot!  We have to make it there in the fall one of these times to enjoy some hiking.

The following day, we left bright and early to be in Denver in time for lunch with stepfather Marvin and his wife Jennie.  Following a nice visit, we then headed for Greeley to collect Larry's mom Dorothy who was staying there with nephew Joel and his wife Lauren.  Following a tour of the new home of Joel and Lauren, we were off for Harrison - long day!

After a few days in Harrison and enjoying one of the very best 4th of July fireworks displays I've ever experienced in a small town!!!, we headed east and then north with a destination of Badlands National Park.

We then drove onto Rapid City for a few days stay visiting friends and participating in Larry's college class reunion activities.

We drove to Deadwood one day and visited the Deadwood Mt. Moriah Cemetery.  I went searching for possible family burial sites and we also found Wild Bill's (James Butler Hickok) and Calamity Jane's (Martha Jane Canary) grave sites.

The cemetery was established in 1878.  By the 1930s, many of the plots in the cemetery were either filled or purchased resulting in a limited amount of revenue being generated for the perpetual care.  The City of Deadwood began to promote the Mt. Moriah Cemetery as a tourist attraction.  As a means of acquiring revenue for the cemetery restoration, the City of Deadwood began charging an entrance fee in the mid-1980s.  The name has a religious affiliation with the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah.  The real Mount Moriah is located within Jerusalem, Israel, and is the location of Solomon's Temple. 

This pic is the White family plot...just don't know for sure if it is relatives or not?  My paternal grandfather's family lived in Deadwood for a period of time.

Rocks on the grave act as a remembrance to the deceased.  The origin of this practice is not clear; however, evidently, the placement of stones on graves has gone on for thousands of years.  When rocks are not available, coins and bits of glass (and pinecones?) are sometimes substituted.  The below picture is of Calamity Jane's grave. 

We drove to Chadron following our Rapid City visit arriving in time for the Fur Trade Days Parade which we enjoyed from the comfort of friend Virginia's mom's front yard.  Fur Trade Days in Chadron is when class reunions are held but also serves as a time for people who formerly lived in Chadron to come back for a visit.  Always fun to see those people from those early years in Chadron.

Below are friends Virginia and LeAnn.

I always like seeing the Pine Ridge countryside.  This year in particular because they've received so much rain allowing us to see green along with wild flowers our entire trip.  This area is west of Chadron on the way to Harrison near Ft. Robinson.

And then it was time to head back to warm Arizona.  The picture below is of the Colorado River heading into Moab.  I love this drive both ways: heading north and then returning going south.

Leaving Moab, our other favorite drive is through Monument Valley - just beautiful country.

I think I've posted this picture in previous posts but I've not yet tired of stopping to get this picture which is a popular spot because it is the place, in the Forrest Gump movie when he decided to stop running.

Nephew Jimmy's Eagle Scout Court of Honor was held last evening recognizing his attainment as an Eagle Scout.  I wasn't sure what to expect.  I liked the ceremony which included the presenting the colors (bringing out the flag) and all audience members (there were around 80!) saying the Pledge of Allegiance.  We're proud that he is our nephew - great kid!  It will be fun to see what his future brings.

The below picture is of Jimmy with his aunts and uncles.

Proud mom and dad.

Larry continues to enjoy his job.  My health continues to be good.  Our backyard remodel project is still in process but almost done

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