Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Nephew Jimmy's High School Graduation May 2016

Nephew Jim brought together the White Family in May to celebrate his high school graduation.  Sister Jackie came from Denver as did stepfather Marvin and wife Jennie.  We enjoyed a family gathering at the Jim and Liz White house on the afternoon of graduation.  We lucked out in the Phoenix summer temperature department in that highs that day stayed in the 90s and cooled down nicely for the 6:45 p.m. graduation ceremony.

Larry was the photographer for the picture below.

Huge changes are in store for nephew Jimmy (AKA: Jaime, Jim, James). He was accepted into West Point and leaves Sunday, June 26, to report for six weeks of West Point Cadet Basic Training.  His future includes four years at West Point; a 5th year of what I call leadership training internships; and then, four years in the Army, and who knows where that will take him?  He is excited for the experience to begin.  He is a wonderful nephew and we are all so blessed to have him in our lives - he brings us together!  We are looking forward to joining Jim and Liz and her sister and husband in October to travel to West Point for Parent's Weekend!  We look forward to all of the other opportunities to visit that part of the United States during his four years at West Point.

Next post will be our once every two year vacation on the houseboat at Lake Powell.

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